Friday, February 26, 2010

Introduction to Buddhism [Beginning]

Introduction to Buddhism - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

I love my friends, I had this come through my mail slot today. It's in such good condition I hesitate to believe its been read even tho he told me he's read it Lol.

The cover art is really pretty tho in this picture it looks flushed out by a flash.

It's got some really nice illustrations through out and easy to read font. So far so good.

I'm only a mere 4 pages in but it's a seemless easy read. I have a feeling this ones not going to have the translated feel like the Dalai Lama book i just finished.
Time will tell.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life Below the Stairs Conclusion

I loved this book. Informative, light, with actual stories of real people, cartoons, pictures, photos.
This was definitely one of my better finds from the library.

A must read for history buffs, Victoriana fans or someone interested in something different.

5 stars easy.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Becoming Enlightened Conclusion

Done. Thankfully.
Now don't get me wrong, i have a great respect for the Dalai Lama but with that said they really need to get their stuff together.

Some books say they believe in reincarnation and others say they don't.

For someone interested in the Meditation part I think some of the contemplating sections could be handy.

But for someone interested in Buddhism, it can be confusing.. beginners or not.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Conclusion - The Industrial Revolution

Done and done.
What a slow, informative, unbiased read.

I give it a 3 stars.

[From my review]

I rated this book a three for a few reasons:

1) there is a lot of information in it.
2) it's well organized and thought out
3) it covers everything truthfully with out subscribing to the American habit of changing the history text books. [It also admits other books do just that]

I am a history buff but buff or not, this is not a book that I could just read with out taking breaks and jumping into another book at times, because it is a very slow read.

Had it not been for the 3 factors above the rating would have been lower for that reason.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Book Update

I visited the library and came back yesterday with:
Becoming Enlightened - the Dalai Lama
Life Below the Stairs [Domestic servants in England from Victorian times] - Frank E. Huggett
What Muslims Believe - John Bowker
The Way of the Sufi -Idries Shab
The Victorian Underworld - Kellow Chesney

I started with the Dalai Lama.
Now, I have a huge amount of respect for His Holiness - however I'm a tad confused.
I am also reading a book called What Buddhism is not, the author claims they don't believe in reincarnation yet its plainly stated in this book.

But that aside its a well written, fast read.
I think because I have a bit more of a background having read more books on Buddhism that its less informative for me then others might find it but something I am glad I picked up at our local library.

My library shocks me at times because this city is not one for culture being its smaller and known for not liking change.
The pocket sized paper back was going for 20$ before tax - and having read half of it. im glad i waited it out.

Life Below the stairs.. i love this book.. it puts you in the houses of the past so you get a real feel for how things were. Its great for someone that loves Victorian times, history and that all around goodness.

I have about 100 pages left to the Industrial Revolution - Honestly, its boring as all hell with a few interesting essays in it. But I have to admit that I am glad we had better history texts in our classes.
History should be fun and exciting and this book just isn't it. But its not bad enough that I can't just fight through it.. its a fast ish read..

I will likely finish Becoming Enlightened and the Industrial Revolution tomorrow.
Life under the stairs come Saturday and be on to one of the others and continue on with the Victorian underworld.

Monday is also a holiday so I plan to cuddle up with tea on the couch all day and read. I am going to make up for the days i didn't get the reading in that i wanted to for awhile last week.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Book Shopping

I went book shopping today, so hard to decide. My goodness..
I avoided typical fiction and sci fi since well, I can not get into it right now.

X-Men and Philosophy was one.. of the series that caught my attention..( I said "typical fiction and sci fi remember lol)

Star Trek was the other.. However god damn do I ever want the Batman and Harry Potter ones..

I have been debating on changing my book lists til i remembered that some other book challenge people don't make lists til they read it - good idea tho i need the list to get me motivated.

One of the books i wanted to buy today (but could not afford the stack of 8 books) is at my library so Im going to go play in the library today and get it and another book.. Buddha related and likely an Islam book as well.

I have to admit tho its funny to see the guy behind the cash at chapters today checking out my books as he waits for the chick to come lower the price on one book. Lol.

Now if only he was my type. Lol.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

When fiction just won't do..

I've put aside the fiction that i was reading. I just can not seem to get into it right now.
I've gone back to reading the history text on the industrial revolution.
Perfect timing as it also helps with other writing things I have going at the same time.

I am also reading "Shadows of forgotten ancestors" I have had this book forever and just never started it.

Its a really interesting read, and educational at the same time. I find its a very easy book to get comfortable with and fall into.